Finnish Dark Web Marketplace Corpus


The resource is available for restricted use via Kielipankki - the Language Bank of Finland. Instructions on applying for access are available on the resource group page (see Documentation). This Finnish dataset consists of 3 104 515 messages posted on the Torilauta discussion board operating in the dark web in the years 2017-2020. The data were collected and submitted by the site administrator in order to be archived for research use. The data set was received by the ENNCODE project at the University of Tampere. In addition to the message title and text, the posts contain the following metadata: time stamps of sending and deletion, sender's nickname, subject area, and the message and thread identifiers. The data was provided as a JSONLINES text file, each line of which corresponds to one message and its metadata in JSON format. Individual messages have been removed from the data for data protection reasons.
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Year of publication


Type of data


Tampere University - Creator

Tuomas Harviainen - Curator


Other information

Fields of science




Open access

Restricted access


CLARIN RES (Restricted) End User License 1.0


Subject headings

Temporal coverage


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