Boreal Forest Fire: UAV-collected Wildfire Detection and Smoke Segmentation Dataset


This dataset consists of annotated images and videos of smoke resulting from prescribed burning events in Finnish boreal forests. The dataset was created to train and validate learning-based methods for wildfire detection and smoke segmentation and its effectiveness in doing so was shown in the linked studies. The data was captured as 4K (3840×2160) videos at four events in Evo, Heinola, Karkkila, and Ruokolahti, using a DJI Phantom 4 drone. Individual frames of the videos were annotated manually with bounding boxes to enable the use of the data to train and test wildfire detection models. A portion of the bounding box annotated image data was resorted and annotated at the pixel level for image segmentation model training, validation, and testing. The training and validation data were annotated automatically using the Segment Anything Model and the manually annotated bounding boxes, while a small test set was annotated with manually drawn pixelwise masks. The three parts of the dataset are stored in the three separate directories: * Boreal-Forest-Fire-Subset-A: The bounding box annotated image data * Boreal-Forest-Fire-Subset-B: 30-second 4K video clips with binary annotations for smoke * Boreal-Forest-Fire-Subset-C: The segmentation mask annotated image data In addition, a Jupyter notebook providing an example for visualising and converting the bounding box coordinates is provided in the Visualisation-And-Coordinate-Conversion-Notebook directory. Code for using the segmentation data is found in the linked Gitlab repository.
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Year of publication


Type of data


National Land Survey of Finland - Publisher, Rights holder

Eija Honkavaara Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Juha Suomalainen Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Julius Pesonen Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Lauri Markelin Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Niko Koivumäki Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Raquel Alves de Oliveira Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Teemu Hakala Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Väinö Karjalainen Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Informaatioteknologian tiedekunta

Anna-Maria Raita-Hakola Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Ilkka Pölönen Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Jukka Joutsalainen Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

Waleed Akhtar Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator


Other information

Fields of science

Computer and information sciences


Open access



Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


image, object detection, artificial intelligence, video, semantic segmentation, Image analysis, Wildfire detection

Subject headings

image processing, wildfires

Temporal coverage


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