University of Tampere Survey for Third-year Students 2010

University of Tampere Survey for Third-year Students 2010


The survey, conducted by the University of Tampere for its third-year students in 2010, examines, among others, progress with studies, minor subjects, working during studies, financial circumstances, planning of studies, and studies and internship abroad. Studies were first charted by asking the respondents which educational institution and field of study they had primarily wanted to be accepted into when they had applied and to what extent they agreed with a number of statements relating to studies and study progress (e.g. "University studies have met my expectations", "I have progressed in my studies according to my plans"). Planning of studies was studied with questions about support received from the university when planning studies and own initiative in searching for information supporting planning. With regard to minor subjects, a number of statements were presented (e.g. "I choose my minor subject(s) based on my own interests", "Recommendations from other students have an effect on my choices"). Things that had negatively affected progress of studies were charted. Studies and internships abroad were surveyed by asking the respondents whether they had or were going to study or do an internship abroad and to what extent they agreed with statements relating to the usefulness of studies and internship abroad (e.g. "Funding studies/internship abroad is difficult"). Relating to grants and benefits, the respondents were asked whether they had used study grant, whether they thought the remaining eligibility period for financial aid would suffice until graduation, whether they had taken a student loan and how much, and whether they had avoided taking a student loan for some reason. Regarding employment, the respondents were asked whether they had worked during studies, whether they had worked during the academic year 2009-2010, which field and sector they had worked in, and to what extent they agreed with several statements related to working during studies (e.g. "I work because I want to avoid taking a student loan", "Working takes up time needed for studies", "I don't work because I want to graduate as soon as possible"). The respondents were also asked whether they had considered continuing studies after graduation, and which line of work they aimed at after graduation and later in their career. Finally, the respondents were asked whether they studied full-time or part-time. Background variables included, among others, the respondent's age, gender, field of study, school (faculty), number of credits, and length of internship/studies abroad.
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Tietoarkisto - Publisher

Yliopistopalvelut - Creator

University of Tampere. University Services - Creator

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higher education institutions, Higher and further education, Toisen ja korkea-asteen koulutus, Employment, toimeentulo, undergraduates, korkeakouluopiskelu, students (college), työssäkäynti, opiskelijavaihto, opiskelijaelämä, suunnittelu, asumistuki, educational grants, opintotuki, sivuaineet, student loans, opintosuoritukset, sujuvuus, training, opinto-ohjaus, harjoittelijavaihto
University of Tampere Survey for Third-year Students 2010 -