Implementation of Intervention Strategies for Physical Activity Promotion in Upper Secondary Schools: Teacher Surveys 2016-2018
The study investigated the impact of and satisfaction with the continuing education training sessions focusing on the implementation of the 'Let's Move It' programme in upper secondary schools in Finland and the extent to which teachers adopted the motivational interaction techniques promoted in the training. The goal of the 'Let's Move It' school-based intervention programme (2016-2018) was to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviour of students, including teacher-led activity breaks in the classroom. Data was collected with four questionnaire surveys from teachers and other school personnel at different points of time. The initial and the third follow-up survey presented the respondents with 11 fictional teaching situations and four potential ways of dealing with the situation. The respondents were asked how well the ways of dealing with the situation described corresponded with their own behaviour. The fictional situations included, among others, planning classroom rules, motivating students during class, students disrupting lessons, students getting bad results in tests. The initial and first follow-up survey studied satisfaction with the 'Let's Move It' (LMI) workshops and training sessions. Oher questions charted teachers' motivation to use LMI activities and interaction techniques in the future in their teaching or for training teacher colleagues. The third follow-up survey investigated the extent the content of the training had affected teaching in classroom or colleague training, and reasons for not using the activities or techniques. Background variables included the respondent's gender, year of birth, years of working as a teacher, type of educational institute (vocational or general upper secondary school) and the subject R taught if a teacher.
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Tietoarkisto - Publisher
University of Helsinki. Faculty of Social Sciences
Hankonen, Nelli - Creator
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