Localization and interaction of interlayer excitons in MoSe2/WSe2 heterobilayers
Data accompanying arXiv:2307.03842 [cond-mat.mes-hall] (2023): 1. All the spectrum data is .sif formated file, which can be read by Matlab (sifReader in Matlab script folder). 2. All the functions needed for plotting and reading data are placed in the Matlab script folder 3. Plot_sif_spectrum_data.m is used to plot PL spectrum. 4. loadQutag.m is the function used to import lifetime data acquired from Qutag. 5. FuncPowerSlope.m is the function used for fitting the power dependent PL data. 6. FuncSatPower.m is the funciton used for fitting the saturation curve and getting the saturation power, see the inset of Fig2a. 7. FuncArrhenius.m is the function used for fitting the temperature depedent PL data, see the inset of Fig2d. 8. Func_2lifetime.m is the function used for fitting the lifetime data with biexponential function, see FigS7 9. convert_SIF_to_mat.m is used to convert hyperspectral imaging data in .sif to .mat 10. Plot_PLmap.m is used to plot PL map.
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Chalmers University of Technology - Contributor
Philipps University Marburg - Contributor
Technical University of Denmark - Contributor
Zenodo - Publisher
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Computer and information sciences
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)