Ethnography of Practical Nurse Education: Teacher Interviews 2007-2010
The data are part of a wider ethnographic study in which the everyday life in an educational institution for social and health care in the capital area of Finland was observed. The study also included student interviews (FSD2736) and field notes (FSD2575). The data consist of 14 interviews. The interviewees were teachers whose classes were observed (see FSD2575) and one study advisor. The interviews conducted were ethnographic interviews based on the observations made. While the main themes were always the same, other themes varied somewhat from interview to interview, and were partly dependent on the subject taught. Interview questions related to career choice, tasks at work, educational significance of the job, students and differences between them, learning in practice period for students etc. The dataset is only available in Finnish.
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Tietoarkisto - Publisher
University of Helsinki. Department of Behavioural Sciences
Lappalainen, Sirpa - Creator
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