Circular Economy Citizen's Barometer 2023


The barometer surveyed citizens' attitudes and everyday behaviour towards the circular economy. The survey also explores views on the regulation of the circular economy. The barometer was carried out by the Finnish Environment Institute in the Circwaste Life IP project in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. First, respondents were asked for their opinion on the main environmental threats. This was followed by an inquiry into the different environmental actions that respondents had taken in the past year. For example, respondents were asked if they had reduced their energy consumption or changed their diet to a more plant-based one. Respondents were also asked to rate their environmental awareness and their level of activity in helping the environment. Next, respondents were asked about their activities related to purchasing, renting and borrowing goods and services over the past year. They were also asked how many second-hand goods they had purchased or received during this period and what actions they had taken to maintain and repair these items. Additionally, respondents were asked how long they typically use various products. Next, respondents were asked about the types of waste sorted separately in their household. Those who sort bio-waste were asked where the sorted bio-waste is disposed of. Respondents were then asked to estimate the average number of plastic bags of mixed waste generated per household per week. They were also asked which factors would help them to sort waste more actively. Finally, respondents were asked for their views on how consumption should be controlled, such as through legislation, taxation, or other policy measures. Background variables include the respondent's year of birth, gender, NUTS3 region of residence, languages used at home, level of education, occupational status, household size and total income, type of dwelling and residence, and party affiliation.
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Year of publication


Type of data


Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE)

Karppinen, Tiina M. - Creator

Myllymaa, Tuuli - Creator

Pitkänen, Kati - Creator

Tietoarkisto - Publisher


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Other (Not Open)


Environment and conservation, Ympäristönsuojelu ja ympäristöongelmat, Consumption and consumer behaviour, Kulutus ja kuluttajakäyttäytyminen, environmental conservation, consumption, kierrätys, kulutus, sustainability, kiertotalous, kuluttajakäyttäytyminen, economic systems, jätteet, consumer behaviour, ekologisuus, recycling, ympäristövaikutukset, ympäristö, consumer goods, waste disposal and handling, environmental awareness, jätteiden lajittelu, wastes, hyötykäyttö, kuluttajat, ostaminen, tuotteet, refuse

Subject headings

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