Numerical experiments for "Mortaring for linear elasticity using mixed and stabilized finite elements"

Numerical experiments for "Mortaring for linear elasticity using mixed and stabilized finite elements"


This package has the source code and related data for the numerical experiments in the paper "Mortaring for linear elasticity using mixed and stabilized finite elements" by Tom Gustafsson, Peter Råback and Juha Videman.
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Year of publication



Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

Peter Råback - Creator

Tom Gustafsson Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. - Contributor

Zenodo - Publisher

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Fields of science

Computer and information sciences

Open access



Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Numerical experiments for "Mortaring for linear elasticity using mixed and stabilized finite elements" -