A transcription of MS Vatican, Borgh. 129: Gualterus Burlaeus Expositio super libros Politicorum, lib. 1, tract. 1, cap. 1


This is a transcription of the beginning of Walter Burley’s (c. 1275–after 1344) commentary on Aristotle’s Politics. The transcription reproduces the text of Vatican, MS Borgh. 129, fol. 1r–148v (here fol. 2rb–6va), which has been accessed in a high quality digital reproduction in colour. The commentary has been dated between 1338/39 and 1342. The transcription includes two apparatuses. The first of them is dedicated to references, mainly to Aristotle’s Politics. When the author’s quote differs from the Latin text published in the Aristoteles latinus series, I have quoted the text from the latter in the apparatus for convenience. The other apparatus is for critical notes. As I have not done much editorial work, its main function is to reproduce marginalia. However, the manuscript contains several corrections by another hand (marked here as V1), and since I have accepted these corrections, I provide the original readings in the apparatus.
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Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja filosofian laitos

Toivanen, Juhana - Creator, Rights holder


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Philosophy; Languages; History and archaeology


Latin language

Open access



Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY NC ND 4.0)


Aristotelian tradition, Commentary on Politics, Medieval manuscript, Practical philosophy, Transcription, Walter Burley

Subject headings

manuscripts, Aristotelianism, Medieval Latin, Medieval philosophy, paleography

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