Finnish EU Attitudes 2003


The survey studies what Finns think about the membership in the European Union and international issues in general. Therefore, this survey covers other topics than EU matters as well, such as international affairs. The respondents were asked how interested they were in matters connected to Finland's membership in the EU, how actively did they follow these matters and how well-informed of these they considered themselves to be. The survey charts Finnish opinions on the EU and other international issues, such as EU's financial and military cooperation and its relation to the United States and international development in general. Another theme was the draft treaty establishing a Constitution for the EU. Respondents assessed different views and proposals connected with the Constitution, for example, the structure and cohesion of the EU, common defence, taxation, the executive power of the European Parliament in relation to national parliaments and the possible election of the president of the EU. Future events and developments were evaluated from two viewpoints. Firstly, respondents assessed the likelihood of certain events happening during the following ten years. Secondly, they rated how desirable those events are. These events and developments included Finland's position in the EU, the Union's development in general, Nordic cooperation, international conflicts and terrorism, influence of the UN and world trade. Opinions on the possible membership in NATO was canvassed with attitudinal statements which included the Baltic States and Russia joining NATO and Finland's position, security and influence in NATO if she joined it. Attitudes towards international economy and politics were charted with questions on equality of international trade, development cooperation and environmental issues. Respondents were asked to assess certain qualities and characterisations connected with the EU, such as progressive vs. retrogressive, efficiency vs. bureaucracy, democracy vs. inequality. Attitudes towards Finland's membership in the EU, replacement of the Finnish markka with the Euro in 2002 and EU's enlargement with new Member States in eastern Europe. Respondents were asked how certain it was that they are going to vote in the next European Parliamentary elections and what the turnout percentage is going to be in their opinion. Background variables included respondents' gender, age group, size of municipality of residence, region of residence, basic and vocational education, occupational group, membership in a trade union. In conclusion, respondents were asked which party they would vote for if Parliamentary elections were held at that moment.
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Year of publication


Type of data


Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies (EVA) - Creator

Elinkeinoelämän valtuuskunta (EVA) - Creator

Tietoarkisto - Publisher

Yhdyskuntatutkimus - Creator, Creator


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English, Finnish

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Other (Not Open)


tulevaisuus, Government, political systems and organisations, International politics and organisations, Kansainvälinen politiikka ja järjestöt, Valtiovalta, julkinen hallinto, poliittiset organisaatiot, puolueet, Poliittinen käyttäytyminen, poliittiset asenteet ja mielipiteet, mielipiteet, asenteet, European integration, Political behaviour and attitudes, Eurooppa, European Union, kansainvälinen yhteistyö, laajeneminen, sotilaallinen yhteistyö, taloudellinen integraatio, defence and state security policy, Euroopan unioni, globalisaatio, globalization, constitutions, perustuslait, NATO, international cooperation, European Parliament, international trade, European monetary system, economic integration, enlargement, europarlamentti

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