Festival Barometer 2020

Festival Barometer 2020


The festival barometer aims to collect information on Finnish festival visitors and the changes that occur in their taste in music and festivals over the years. In 2020, questions related to the COVID-19 pandemic were also included. The data includes three open-ended questions, with answers that are also suitable for qualitative analysis. LiveFIN ry, Lapland Institute for Tourism Research, the Sibelius Academy at the University of the Arts and the participating festivals were involved in the implementation of the survey. At the beginning of the questionnaire, the respondent selects the festival to which their answers to the first part of the questionnaire relates. The respondent must have attended the festival in question in 2019 or before. In relation to this selected festival, the respondent was asked about his/her satisfaction with the festival and asked to assess its impact on the host city. The next question asked how much money the respondent spent on and off the festival site. In the more general part of the survey, respondents were asked to rate Finnish festivals by different aspects. For example, the question asked what would make the respondent attend festivals more often. Further, the respondents were asked about issues important to the festival experience, such as performers and programming, food and beverage services, the festival area and the values of festivals. Price-related factors were examined by asking, among other things, how much different products or services should cost. Next, respondents were asked about their likelihood of attending festivals in future years, followed by an open-ended question on the reasons why attendance was considered unlikely. The survey also examined the respondents' favourite music styles, their relationship with music and which festival they find most interesting in Finland. Finally, statements were made about the impact of the corona pandemic and an open-ended question about how the pandemic has affected the respondent's attitude towards festivals. Background variables included year of birth, gender, largest cities, other municipalities by county, education, occupational group, social class and annual income. The questionnaire allows comparisons over time with other data in the series, as respondents from more than one year can be combined using the id variable.
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Tietoarkisto - Publisher

University of Lapland. Lapland Institute for Tourism Research

Kinnunen, Maarit Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator

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attitudes, Leisure, tourism and sport, mielipiteet, Vapaa-aika, matkailu ja urheilu, values, Consumption and consumer behaviour, Kulutus ja kuluttajakäyttäytyminen, arts, Kulttuuritoiminta ja -osallistuminen, mielipiteet kulttuurista, Cultural activities and participation, cultural events, cultural participation, kulttuuritapahtumat, musiikki, COVID-19, elämyspalvelut, entertainment, festivaalit, festivals, music, populaarimusiikki, arvot (käsitykset), ohjelmistot (taiteet), tapahtuma-ala, music events
Festival Barometer 2020 - Research.fi