Peatland forest regeneration under a shelterwood layer (SUOUUDVERHOP)

Peatland forest regeneration under a shelterwood layer (SUOUUDVERHOP)


The study is about a natural regeneration of a spruce mire by the following process methods; * Shelterwood felling (270 stems removed per hectare.) * Intensive exploitation felling (1000 stems per hectare are left as a toplayer "screen.") * Miniscule gap-cutting (clear-cut spots of 0,3 hectares.) An uncut control area is included in the study as a comparison. Three repeats of each felling method are excecuted during the study. ## Method description Regeneration growth monitoring is done on sixteen sampling plots, sized 5 square metres, which are systematically placed in a grid to each of the processing areas. From the sampling plots following features are taken into consideration; saplings by length of over/under 10 cm, by species of spruce, pine, pubescent birch (Betula pubescens), european white birch (Betula pendula) and rest of the broadleaf trees as "other." The tallest sapling of each species is measured. Inventories have been produced during springtime of 2013, 2016, 2018 and 2021.
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Year of publication



Hannu Hökkä - Creator

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Scots pine, Norway spruce, kuusi, avohakkuu, suo, suojuspuuhakkuu, suometsä, puuston kasvu, mänty, hieskoivu, lehtipuu, verhopuuhakkuu, verhopuut

Subject headings

peatland forests, clearcuttings, shelterwood cutting, downy birch, hardwood, nurse crop, nurse trees