Factors Affecting Progress of Studies 1998

Factors Affecting Progress of Studies 1998


The survey studied factors affecting the progress of the respondents' studies at the university, and graduating time. The respondents were first asked when they had matriculated, what they had done before the current studies, how many times they had applied for a place to study, and whether the study place had been their first choice. With the respondents' current studies in mind, there were questions on what was the respondents' major subject, were they full or part-time students, and what their main expectations were concerning university studies. The respondents' views on factors affecting studying were canvassed by asking them to assess several propositions on studying dealing with the selection of courses available, the length of the academic year, the number of examination days, practising abroad, the relation between amount of work and study weeks, teaching methods, library services, tutoring, the speed of graduation, the relationship between work and studying, and the ways of studying and learning. In addition, the respondents were asked how many study weeks they intended to take this year, how many they had already taken, what kind of an examination they intended to take, and how much time they thought it would take to get a university degree. In relation to income, it was asked whether the respondents received a study grant, housing allowance or housing subsidy, with what other means they financed their studies, and how much student loan they had. Some questions focused on whether the respondents had worked during their studies, and if so, how much, and how the work had affected the proceeding of studies. In conclusion, the respondents were asked to estimate to what extent various factors in different phases of life, like working, sickness, having a child, personal relationships, difficulties in finding accommodation, being conscripted in the army, or activities in voluntary organisations had eventually slowed down the pace of their studies. Background variables included the respondent's year of birth, sex, marital status, and education of parents.
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Student Research Foundation (Otus)

Lempinen, Petri - Creator

Suomela, Sanna - Creator

Vesikansa, Sanna - Creator

Tietoarkisto - Publisher

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higher education institutions, nuoret, Youth, Higher and further education, Toisen ja korkea-asteen koulutus, korkeakoulututkinnot, tertiary education, yliopistot, toimeentulo, korkeakoulut, university courses, opiskelijat, undergraduates, korkeakouluopiskelu, opiskelu, korkeakouluopetus, academic achievement, ansiotyö, opiskelutekniikka, educational grants, opintotuki, opintosuoritukset, opinto-ohjaus, opinnot, päätoimisuus
Factors Affecting Progress of Studies 1998 - Research.fi