Guadua bamboo Amazonia
These data were used in the following article:
Van doninck, J., Westerholm, J., Ruokolainen, K., Tuomisto, H., & Kalliola, R. (2020). Dating flowering cycles of Amazonian bamboo-dominated forests by supervised Landsat time series segmentation. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 93, 102196.
Data describes mortality events in Guadua bamboo life cycles using Landsat Near Infrared (NIR, band 4), Shortwave Infrared 1 (SWIR1, band 5), and Shortwave Infrared 2 (SWIR 2) time series from 1984 to 2018:
• disturbanceDate: year of identified primary bamboo mortality event in the NIR/SWIR1/SWIR2 band
• disturbanceDateSecondary: year of identified secondary bamboo mortality event in the
NIR/SWIR1/SWIR2 band, if more than one event was detected in the 35-year time series
• disturbanceLength: duration of the identified primary bamboo mortality event in the NIR/SWIR1/SWIR2 band
All layers are saved as geotiff files in geographic coordinate system with an approximately 30 m spatial resolution.
Those interested in using these data are kindly asked to contact the authors, if possible
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Risto Kalliola - Contributor, Publisher
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Fields of science
Geosciences; Ecology, evolutionary biology
Open access