Survey of Foreign Students in Five Finnish Universities 2005: Partial Data

Survey of Foreign Students in Five Finnish Universities 2005: Partial Data


The archived data consist of responses to an open-ended question in the Survey of Foreign Students in Five Finnish Universities 2005 (FSD2100) charting various aspects in the lives of foreign degree students in five Finnish universities. The open-ended question was "What else do you wish to say as a foreign student?" Responses covered, among others, reasons for immigrating to Finland, adjustment to Finnish society and university life, basic income and future plans. The respondents also shared their experiences and views of Finland and the Finnish society as well as fear and prejudice they had faced, but also kindness and hospitality shown to them. Some of the respondents also shared their views on employment and job-seeking in Finland, the plans to introduce tuition fees for foreign students, and quality of university studies. Background information included the respondent's age, gender, nationality, faculty and years spent in Finland. The data contain 287 responses and is especially suitable for practice material in teaching methods for qualitative analysis in English. This data is only available in English.
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Helsingin yliopiston ylioppilaskunta - Creator

Jyväskylän yliopiston ylioppilaskunta - Creator

Student Union of the Helsinki University of Technology - Creator

Student Union of the University of Helsinki - Creator

Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä - Creator

Student Union of the University of Tampere - Creator

Student Union of the University of Turku - Creator

Tietoarkisto - Publisher

Tampereen yliopiston ylioppilaskunta - Creator

Teknillisen Korkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunta - Creator

Turun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta - Creator

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higher education institutions, mielipiteet, Higher and further education, Toisen ja korkea-asteen koulutus, asenteet, palvelut, Employment, yliopistot, Social behaviour and attitudes, Sosiaalinen käyttäytyminen ja asenteet, toimeentulo, korkeakoulut, yhteiskunta, living conditions, discrimination, Vähemmistöt, immigration, korkeakouluopiskelu, integraatio, korkeakouluopetus, Minorities, opiskelu ulkomailla, ulkomaalaiset, ennakkoluulot, prejudice, suomalaisuus, syrjintä, ansiotyö, educational grants, opintotuki, integration, opinto-ohjaus, työnhaku, educational fees, foreign students, lukukausimaksut, muukalaisviha, opintoapurahat
Survey of Foreign Students in Five Finnish Universities 2005: Partial Data -