Monitoring recovery and training responses from different types of endurance exercises and training protocols in recreational runners: implications for individual training prescription


The data has been collected for the PhD thesis "Monitoring recovery and training responses from different types of endurance exercises and training protocols in recreational runners: implications for individual training prescription" in 2019-2021. The data includes four separate interventions investigating endurance performance and objective and subjective recovery in 20–45-year-old recreational runners. The first study (n = 24) examined acute responses to four different types of endurance exercises, the second (n = 30) and third studies (n = 30) compared the effects of increased volume and intensity of endurance training on endurance performance and recovery status, and the fourth study (n = 30) compared the effects of predefined and individually adjusted endurance training prescription on training adaptations.
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Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta

Nuuttila, Olli-Pekka Orcid -palvelun logo - Creator, Rights holder


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Fields of science

Sport and fitness sciences



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Other (Not Open)


Subject headings

recovery (return), endurance training

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