Population grid data 2023, 1 km x 1 km
The number of population on the last day of the reference year (31 December) by age group. Data includes only inhabited grids. The statistical variables of the data are: Total population (vaesto), number of men (miehet) and women (naiset), under 15 year-olds (ika_0_14), 15-64 year-olds (ika_15_64), and aged over 65 (ika_65_). A grid identifier is expressed using a national identification code derived from the coordinates (idD_nro (num)) and INSPIREs standard identification code (grd_id (char)). The data also contains the coordinates of the lower left-hand corner of a grid (xkoord, ykoord (num)). The data describes the population distribution independent of administrative areas (such as municipal borders). The data is suitable for examination of population distribution and making various spatial analysis.
The data format has been changed to Shape at CSC.
Coordinate Reference System: ETRS89 / ETRS-TM35FIN (EPSG:3067)
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Fields of science
Geosciences; Social and economic geography
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