Eurostudent VII: Finland 2019
The data were collected for the cross-European EUROSTUDENT VII study, forming the Finnish part of the survey. Main themes surveyed included economic circumstances and time use of students, progress in studies, international mobility, and future expectations and plans. The study was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. First, they were asked about the degree they were studying for, how active they were in their studies, what their future salary might be, and their beliefs and opinions about their future after graduation. Next, they were asked about previous studies, skills and jobs, participation in preparatory courses and applying for education. This was followed by questions about progress in studies and time spent studying and working. The next questions concerned the student's daily life in terms of living arrangements and employment. In addition, questions were asked about financial support, income and expenditure. Finally, questions were asked about possible study periods abroad and student mobility, as well as about the expectations and plans of foreign degree students regarding their studies and post-study period. Background variables included age (categorised), gender, sector and field of study (categorised), year of study, language skills and parents' level of education. In addition, information on whether the respondent and his/her parents were born in Finland and whether the respondent has children.
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Eurostudent consortium - Creator
Eurostudent-konsortio - Creator
Ministry of Education and Culture - Creator
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö - Creator
Statistics Finland - Creator
Tietoarkisto - Publisher
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