Displaying results 1 - 10 / 563
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Authors / organizations
Structural analysis of mycelium composite for the production of wood-based carbon materials
Global Warming Potential Data Analysis from Environmental Product Declarations
B-spline-Based surface reconstruction for the analysis of distorted panels
I2K 2024 - Object Tracking and Track Analysis using TrackMate and CellTracksColab
E-Data2 Data Envelopment Analysis to Determine Reliability Targets for Power Distribution Systems
E-Data1 Data Envelopment Analysis to Determine Reliability Targets for Power Distribution Systems
Data and analysis codes for "Experimental realization of a quantum heat engine based on dissipation-engineered superconducting circuits"
Zero-valent iron nanoparticles supported on Si/N co-doped carbon materials: from biomass to oxygen reduction electrocatalysts and supercapacitors
Zero-valent iron nanoparticles supported on Si/N co-doped carbon materials: from biomass to oxygen reduction electrocatalysts and supercapacitors
Boreal Forest Fire: UAV-collected Wildfire Detection and Smoke Segmentation Dataset
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 563
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