Displaying results 1 - 10 / 66
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Authors / organizations
Fisher zeroes and dynamical quantum phase transitions for two- and three-dimensional models
Armitage et al., 2024. Multidecadal changes in coastal benthic species (primary and secondary data: SOTEAG)
Datasets used in the manuscript "Benchmarking KDP in Rainfall: A Quantitative Assessment of Estimation Algorithms Using C-band Weather Radar Observations" by Aldana et al, submitted to AMT, Copernicus
Dataset supporting the publication: "Direct and indirect effects of chemical pollution: Fungicides alter growth, feeding, and pigmentation of the freshwater detritivore Asellus aquaticus"
Dataset for Femtosecond-Laser-Surface-Nanostructured Glass in BIPV Applications
Parallel Corpus of Finnish and Easy-to-read Finnish from the Yle News Archive 2014-2018, source
Parallel Sentence Aligned Corpus of Finnish and Easy-to-read Finnish from the Yle News Archive 2014-2020, source
Parallel Sentence Aligned Corpus of Finnish and Easy-to-read Finnish from the Yle News Archive 2014-2020, Korp
Synthetic 1-100 GV daily cosmic ray proton data set for 2011-2019 and 1964-2021
Kuopio city bike-sharing system rentals for years 2019-2022
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 66
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