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Additional file 1 of Single-cell characterisation of tissue homing CD4 + and CD8 + T cell clones in immune-mediated refractory arthritis
Replication package for "Nonlinear nonlocal metasurfaces", Appl. Phys. Lett. 2023
Replication package for "Enabling infinite Q factors in absorbing optical systems", 2023
neurostuff/NiMARE: 0.0.12
antonvs88/optimal-guided-evacuation: First release of the code for the "optimal-guided-evacuation" project
Minimizing the evacuation time of a crowd from a complex building using rescue guides – code
Minimizing the evacuation time of a crowd from a complex building using rescue guides – code
The Suomi 24 Corpus (2016H2)
The Suomi 24 Corpus (2015H1)
Supplementary material from "Trade-off between fertility and predation risk drives a geometric sequence in the pattern of group sizes in baboons"
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 10
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