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Finnish Working Life Barometer 2023
ARCH-COMP 2023 Category Report: Falsification - Validation
Data for the article "New methods for analysing diachronic suffix competition across registers"
Code for the article "New methods for analysing diachronic suffix competition across registers"
Effects of gender inequality and wealth inequality on within-sex mating competition under hypergyny
Dataset for Mucin induces CRISPR-Cas defense in an opportunistic pathogen
TypeRatio: comparing competing suffixes
Data supporting: Molecular, behavioural and morphological comparisons of sperm adaptations in a fish with alternative mating tactics
Children and Youth Leisure Survey: 10-29-Year-Olds 2018
Children and Youth Leisure Survey: 7-9-Year-Olds 2018
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 60
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