Displaying results 1 - 10 / 120
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Authors / organizations
Data from: Climate change threatens crop diversity at low latitudes
Production and transfer of essential fatty acids in a man-made tropical ecosystem
Data description of the Menstrual Function, Eating Attitudes, Body Image, and a Sports Career (MEBS) study
Interviews with Men on Work and Self-Care 2017-2018
Climate impact dataset for the food service sector
Food Diaries of Finns 2023
Wasteless Food Services in Finland- hankkeen -toimipaikkojen hakukuulutus
Supplementary material: Fantastic squeaks and where to find them: producing and analysing audible acoustics from leipäjuusto
Growth of fungi and yeasts in food production waste streams: a feasibility study
Seinäjoen seudun yritysten digitaalisuuden nykytila-analyysi
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 120
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