Displaying results 1 - 10 / 83
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Authors / organizations
The occurrence of Vibrio spp. in the salinity gradient of shallow coastal waters of the Baltic Sea – data set including environmental and microbiological data (EU Biodiversa project BaltVib)
Kubernetes application PCAPs
Results for the manuscript "Cell tracking -based framework for assessing nowcasting model skill in reproducing growth and decay of convective rainfall" by Ritvanen et al.
Data for the manuscript "Cell tracking -based framework for assessing nowcasting model skill in reproducing growth and decay of convective rainfall" by Ritvanen et al.
Results for the manuscript "Cell tracking -based framework for assessing nowcasting model skill in reproducing growth and decay of convective rainfall" by Ritvanen et al.
RST Continuity Corpus
Telerobotic intergroup contact: Acceptance and preferences in Israel and Palestine - R Data and code.
GraphBNC source code (parent repository)
GraphBNC source code
City-level water withdrawal and scarcity accounts of China
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 83
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