Displaying results 1 - 10 / 19
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Authors / organizations
Interviews on Organisational Safety and Security Culture, longitudinal data
Prognostic value of glycaemic variability for mortality in critically ill atrial fibrillation patients and mortality prediction model using machine learning
Dataset for 'Inherent variability of geotechnical properties for Finnish clay soils'
Interviews on Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge in Child and Family Services 2019-2020
PROMEQ: Health and Well-being of People Aged 65 and Over 2017-2018
PROMEQ: yli 65-vuotiaiden hyvinvointi ja terveys 2017-2018
Benchmark Dataset for Mid-Price Forecasting of Limit Order Book Data with Machine Learning Methods
Data Management Plan: Early-life stress and psychiatric disorders: Role of the stress axis on the development of the serotonergic system in depression and anxiety disorders
Potential fish farming areas in Finnish government owned water areas
Finland 2009: Consumer Habits and Lifestyle
Displaying results 1 - 10 / 19
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