Wihuri Foundation grants 2022

Wihuri Foundation grants 2022

Application period

8.5.2022 - 31.5.2022 at 23:59


Grants are awarded to the fields of science, art and societal activities. Grants can be applied for by private persons, working groups and organizations. Grants can be applied for doctoral thesis work, post-doctoral research and other research. In addition, it is possible to apply for a homing grant which is research funding for a person returning to Finland after post-doctoral research abroad. Grants can be applied for various fields of art and societal activity.
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Application guidelines

Apurahahakemuksia voi laatia ja lähettää hakuaikana toukokuussa Apurahojen verkkopalvelussa https://wihuri.apurahat.fi/haku/UserLogin.aspx?kieli=suomi. Haku sulkeutuu viimeisenä hakupäivänä klo 24.00 Suomen aikaa. Säätiö käsittelee vain hakuaikana lähetetyt hakemukset. Myöhästyneitä tai sähköpostilla lähetettyjä hakemuksia ei käsitellä.
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Agricultural sciences and forestryAgricultural biotechnology, Agriculture and forestry, Animal science, dairy science, Food sciencesArtsArchitecture, Children's culture, Circus Art, Critics, Dance, Theatre, Literature, MusicCultural and civic activitiesCultural activities, Non-formal education, Other civic and organizational activitiesEngineering and technologyArchitecture, Chemical engineering, Civic and construction engineering, Electronic, automation and communications engineering, electronics, Environmental biotechnology, Environmental engineering, Industrial biotechnology, Materials technology, Mechanical engineering, Medical engineering, NanotechnologyHumanities and TheologyArt studies, Cultures studies, History and archaeology, Languages, Philosophy, TheologyMedicine and health sciencesHealth sciences, Medical biotechnology, Nursing science, Public health science, Sport sciencesNatural sciencesAstronomy and space science, Biological sciences, Chemical sciences, Computer and information sciences, Environmental research, Geography, Geosciences, Mathematics, Physical sciences, Statistics and probabilitySocial and behavioural sciences, economicsBusiness economics, Economics, Educational sciences, Law, Logopedics, Media and communications, Political science, Psychology, Social and economic geography, Social sciences
Wihuri Foundation grants 2022 - Research.fi