Manufacturing 4.0 - strategies for technological, economical, educational and social policy adoption

Description of the granted funding

Manufacturing is becoming automated and service-driven by digital platforms. Industry is changing into low-cost onsite manufacturing. This will cause drastic changes to the structure of industry and society. In this research project, we try to answer the question “how can we make sure that Finland can thrive in this change?” We not only envision a roadmap of how high-tech manufacturing will change, but also show concretely what are the key technological and societal drivers that drive this change, and explain what kind of business, educational, and societal models are needed in order to ensure that Finland and Finnish companies are able to survive and reap the most benefit from this revolutionary change. We study how automatic manufacturing of properly selected products could increase jobs and how the increased income due to automation could be used for supporting those people who will be out of jobs due to automation, thus preventing the division of society.
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Starting year


End year


Granted funding

Mikael Collan Orcid -palvelun logo
279 465 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Strategic Research Funding

Other information

Funding decision number


Fields of science

Mechanical engineering

Research fields

Kone- ja valmistustekniikka


Uudistu tai surkastu - resurssit ja ratkaisut

Identified topics

manufacturing, production