Transformative Cities: Coupling citizen-inspired geospatial and transformative governance methods to promote carbon neutral and climate resilient cities by 2035

Description of the granted funding

To enable rapid transformations towards carbon neutrality and climate resilience in urban areas of Finland, a much deeper understanding is needed about how people actually live in urban settings and how this local knowledge can be combined with urban policy, law and planning practice. Transformative Cities aims to create an integrated set of mobility modelling, participatory mapping and governance methods for enabling sustainable urban lifestyles. This includes transport mode shifts from car use to more sustainable transportation options (e.g., e-bikes, active mobility, shared transport) in ways that promote healthy environmental exposures through nature-based solutions (NBS). We use these combined methods in order to assess opportunities and constraints to transformation to carbon neutrality and climate resilience in cities by 2035, and to co-create planning practices, policy options and business strategies to promote behaviours in support of sustainable urban lifestyles.
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Starting year


End year


Granted funding

Marketta Kyttä Orcid -palvelun logo
375 003 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Targeted Academy projects

Other information

Funding decision number


Fields of science

Social and economic geography

Research fields

Yhteiskunta- ja kulttuurimaantiede, kaupunkitutkimus, aluetiede


RRF Vihreän ja digitaalisen siirtymän avainalat (P3C3I2)