The Power of Teachers' Online Mentorship for AI Partnership (Power-T/A)

Description of the granted funding

Today, in-service teachers are not ready to prepare future generations for artificial intelligence (AI)-driven working lives. Moreover, many teacher education institutions fail to train pre-service teachers in AI-related skills. Also, the ways to foster pre- and in-service teachers' and teacher educators` AI literacy skills are yet to be explored. Considering these challenges, Power-T/A aims to foster pre- and in-service teachers` AI literacy and AI-based instruction skills. For this aim, Power-T/A suggests a reciprocal mentorship approach among pre- and in-service teachers and teacher educators through an online case-based learning platform. This platform is based on the real-life experiences of pre-service and in-service teachers with AI-based technologies in several Finnish cities and other Nordic countries, namely Norway and Sweden. The findings of the project can form the basis for policymakers to develop strategies for educators` AI-related knowledge and skills.
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Starting year


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Granted funding

Ismail CELIK Orcid -palvelun logo
572 867 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Academy research fellows

Decision maker

Scientific Council for Social Sciences and Humanities

Other information

Funding decision number


Fields of science

Educational sciences

Research fields

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