Sustainable Approach for the Conceptualization of Bio-mass-based Materials for Environmental and Energy Storage Systems (Bio-Adsorb&Energy)

Description of the granted funding

Solid waste management, water pollution, and the transition to more sustainable energy systems are some of the major challenges of our time. Our society is increasingly dependent on clean water and affordable energy systems. The project (Bio-Adsorb&Energy) seeks to tackle these challenges by addressing the use of solid wastes (biomass-based residues) for making multi-functional materials, i.e. so-called soft and hard carbons that are able to clean polluted waters and fabricate greener energy storage devices (supercapacitors and batteries). Moreover, Bio-Adsorb&Energy addresses the Finnish/European Environmental Objective of Reduced Climate Impact by providing strategies to replace today's dominating electrode materials for energy storage devices that are based on fossil and non-renewable resources with biomass-based materials, offering potentially lower CO2 footprint strategies for greener processes/materials/energy.
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Granted funding

Glaydson Simoes dos Reis Orcid -palvelun logo
699 970 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

Academy research fellows

Decision maker

Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering

Other information

Funding decision number


Fields of science

Materials engineering

Research fields

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