Bio-imaging of a dsRNA virus life cycle at the molecular level in 3D

Description of the granted funding

Double-stranded RNA viruses infect a wide range of life forms from bacteria, fungi, plants, to animals. The group includes many significant pathogens such as bluetongue virus in sheep, rice dwarf virus, and human rotavirus. Despite the wide host range, these viruses are functionally and structurally similar. In this project, we investigate double-stranded RNA viruses belonging to the cystovirus group and utilize cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) to three-dimensionally image the key stages of the viral life cycle at the molecular level. The results shed light on the dynamics and evolutionary origins of biological membrane structures. New knowledge of the life cycle also supports the development of biotechnological applications based on cystoviruses.
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Starting year


Granted funding

Juha Huiskonen Orcid -palvelun logo
820 000 €


Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Other information

Funding decision number



Lääketiede, Muu tiede


1183 Kasvibiologia, mikrobiologia, virologia