Identification and functional characterization of new memory molecules

Description of the granted funding

This project aims to explore the biochemical basis of information processing in the brain, focusing on the role and function of prion-like proteins that undergo structural changes during synaptic activation. We will investigate how these prion-like proteins self-assemble in experimental models of memory formation and whether their structural changes activate protein synthesis programs required for memory consolidation in activated synapses. This work will provide insights into the biochemical mechanisms of information processing in synapses and offer new perspectives on the link between prion-like proteins and neurodegenerative diseases associated with memory impairment.
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Starting year


Granted funding

Juha Saarikangas Orcid -palvelun logo
710 000 €


Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

Other information

Funding decision number



Lääketiede, Muu tiede


1182 Biokemia, solu- ja molekyylibiologia