Overcoming Barriers to Democratic Participation with Minoritized and Marginalized Groups (OBAMA)
Description of the granted funding
OBAMA will co-create models for supporting democratic participation that are sensitive and anchored to experiences of belonging and social inclusion. Through co-research and co-creation, the project co-investigates and co-develops solutions to inequalities in democratic participation in the context of different marginalized and minoritized groups together with representatives of these groups and stakeholders working with them. We focus on barriers to participation and a related lack of sense of inclusion experienced by disabled and racialized people, LGTBIQ+ minorities, lower social class and people with substance abuse issues both in the context of democratic institutions and their everyday lives. The transdiciplinary OBAMA consortium consists of the Universities of Helsinki, Eastern Finland and Turku, Åbo Akademi and the Deaconess Foundation. OBAMA partners with several public and civil society organizations.
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Granted funding
Research Council of Finland
Funding instrument
Strategic Research Funding
Decision maker
Strategic Research Council
Other information
Funding decision number
Research fields
Demokratian tulevaisuus