Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure
Description of the granted funding
The Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure (FINMARI) combines all major partners of the Finnish marine research community (Syke, FMI, GTK, Luke, Universities of Helsinki, Turku and Åbo Akademi) into an integrated and distributed research infrastructure. It includes field stations, research vessels, laboratory facilities, flow-through platforms, autonomous measurement platforms and buoys within the partnership. FINMARI provides access to observational and experimental marine research facilities. The infrastructure development plan is based on addressing the multiscale variability of the marine environment by integrating the complementary areas of expertise of each partner. FINMARI concentrates on the global Triple Crisis, biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution, develops Open Access to data and services, and acts as a link between science and policy makers. FINMARI also has a broad impact on society, beyond the scientific community.
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Granted funding
Research Council of Finland
Funding instrument
Research infrastructure
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Funding decision number
Fields of science
Ecology, evolutionary biology
Research fields
Ekologia, evoluutiobiologia ja ekofysiologia