CREATE. Cross-REalm modelling and assessment of Aquatic ecosystem services: Towards a science-based design of nature-based solutions to tackle Eutrophication

Description of the granted funding

CREATE aims at tackling several of the knowledge gaps currently hampering the efficient implementation of NBS targeting eutrophication in the Baltic Sea catchment area. The project will identify, assess, and map key provisioning, supporting, and regulating ES that are impacted by eutrophication processes, therefore unveiling interlinkages between ES and eutrophication. Subsequently, CREATE will target and prioritize eutrophication-mitigating NBS tailored for the Baltic Sea area environmental reality while ensuring spatial coherence with ES supply. Spatial prioritization will be driven by ES supply optimization algorithms, seeking to minimize ES trade-offs and enhance ES synergies. Ultimately, the project will ensure policy uptake of the proposed NBS by promoting their integration into management practices across the freshawater-coastal-marine continuum.
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Starting year


End year


Granted funding

Miguel Villoslada Orcid -palvelun logo
205 256 €


Research Council of Finland

Funding instrument

International joint call

Decision maker

Scientific Council for Biosciences, Health and the Environment

Other information

Funding decision number


Fields of science

Environmental engineering

Research fields
