Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure
Description of the granted funding
This application is for Finland's membership and participation in the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC). Other member states are Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Finland is represented in the NeIC Board by CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd. The activities focus on the operations of the Nordic Tier-1 facility in support of the Large Hadron Collider researchers and collaborations with the national e-infrastructure providers and research communities. Community based thematic forums on sensitive data, FAIR data and training and machine learning will lead to Nordic e-infrastructure activities that meet the needs of a larger set of Nordic researchers and can be adopted into the national e-infrastructure environments. A community based expert network on Nordic/EU collaboration on next generation topics will lead to greater interactions on innovative technologies within the Nordic region and Europe.
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Granted funding
Research Council of Finland
Funding instrument
Research infrastructure
Other information
Funding decision number
Fields of science
Research fields
Kieli, yhteiskunta ja kulttuuri