Displaying results 1 - 10 / 42
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Granted funding
Starting year
Projects information iconNavigating Complexity: Between Emergence and ReductionKone FoundationAlexander Carruth, University of Helsinki2025Projects information iconA conceptual framework for optimal modeling design of chiral magneto-plasmonic nanophotonic ‎devicesSvenska kulturfondenkaysiyavash kaykavoosi2024Projects information iconEnvironmental landscape ethics: a theory of cohabitabilityEuropean UnionUniversity of Jyväskylä2024Projects information iconWhat are we missing in understanding of soil organic carbon stabilization? Biochemical mechanisms and their significance (BIO-MECH).Research Council of FinlandLuonnonvarakeskus2024Projects information iconENVironmental Research Infrastructures delivering an open access Hub and NEXT-level interdisciplinary research framework providing services for advancing science and societyEuropean UnionFinnish Meteorological Institute2024Projects information iconPredictive Understanding of the effects of Global Change on Ecological Communities and Ecosystem FunctionsEuropean UnionUniversity of Helsinki2024Projects information iconTowards a new era of representative democracy - Activating European citizens’ trust in times of crises and polarizationEuropean UnionÅbo Akademi University2023Projects information iconSituated Mind and Artistic Creativity (SMAC)Research Council of FinlandJyväskylän yliopisto2023Projects information iconMicrobial ecosystems biology in the human gutEuropean UnionUniversity of Helsinki2023Projects information iconFLIARA: Female-Led Innovation in Agriculture and Rural AreasEuropean UnionUniversity of Oulu; University of Turku2023