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Granted funding
Starting year
Projects information iconUnderstanding integrin clustering to control matrix remodeling and phagocytosisResearch Council of FinlandTampereen yliopisto2024Projects information iconDemonstrating trAnsformative solUtions to empower climate Resilience tOwards impRoved public health stAtus in the EU Boreal RegionEuropean UnionPrizztech Oy; PORIN KAUPUNKI; TAMPEREEN KAUPUNKI; Laurea University of Applied Sciences; Finnish Meteorological Institute2024Projects information iconTo a Fair, Inclusive, Circular and Healthy cities: Valorisation of phosphogypsum wastes into commercial products through sustainable and circular processesEuropean UnionÅbo Akademi University2024Projects information iconComputational Models for new Patients Stratification Strategies of Neuromuscular DisordersEuropean UnionSamfundet Folkhälsan2023Projects information iconDecision support for prediction and management of Long Covid Syndrome (LCS)European UnionSPINVERSE OY; University of Helsinki; Helsinki University Hospital Catchment Area2022Projects information iconCIRCULAR ECOLOGICAL ESSENTIAL & CRITICAL RAW MATERIALSEuropean UnionMETSO MINERALS OY2022Projects information iconAn advanced surveillance platform to improve the EURopean Multi Authority BordeR Security efficiency and cooperationEuropean UnionVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd2022Projects information iconBehind the words: Deep neural models of language meaning for industry-grade applicationsResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2021Projects information iconBehind the words: Deep neural models of language meaning for industry-grade applicationsResearch Council of FinlandTurun yliopisto2021Projects information iconDIOR: Deep Intelligent Optical and Radio Communication NetworksEuropean UnionTampere University2021