Displaying results 1 - 10 / 118
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Projects information iconLanguage Trampoline: How can children from non-Finnish-speaking immigrant families be raised with the new language by supporting their parents and kindergarten teachers in Finland?Kone FoundationHanna Jałoza2025Projects information iconCaring labour: A multi-modal study of migrant workers' care practices and mobilitiesKone FoundationLena Näre, University of Helsinki2025Projects information iconFor Imaginaries to Come: Critical Knowledge Production in Children’s PicturebooksKone FoundationDahlia El Broul2025Projects information iconExploring Digital Participation with Children to Co-produce Knowledge for Active Neighbourhoods using SoftGIS methodology in Delhi, IndiaEuropean UnionAalto University2025Projects information iconSocial determinants of neurodevelopmental disorders and their consequences within familiesResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2024Projects information iconGenetic Risk Factors for Malignant Uveal Melanoma in Finnish Families Suonikalvoston melanooman perinnölliset riskitekijät suomalaisissa perheissäCancer Foundation Finland sr.Joni Turunen2024Projects information icone-health tools to promote Equality in Quality of Life for childhood to young adulthood cancer patients, survivors and their families - a PanEuropean project supported by PanCare and Harmonic consortiaEuropean UnionVARSINAIS-SUOMEN HYVINVOINTIALUE; Helsinki University Hospital Catchment Area2024Projects information iconInfluences of maternal, paternal and offspring genes on a hypertensive pregnancy complication pre-eclampsia- towards personalized cardiovascular disease prediction in familiesResearch Council of FinlandTampereen yliopisto2024Projects information iconInvestigating the effects of a multilevel public transport and active travel intervention on children's and their families' travel mode choices (CHIFAM TRAVEL).Research Council of FinlandTampereen yliopisto2024Projects information iconGenetic etiology of early-onset ischemic strokeResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin seudun yliopistollisen keskussairaalan erityisvastuualue2024