Displaying results 1 - 10 / 303
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Starting year
Projects information iconTransindividual grief after death of an animal companionKone FoundationTiina Määttä, Tampere University2025Projects information icon(Re)producing the socio-natural landscape at Amulsar, Armenia: contesting extractive imperialisms and resistant local socio-naturesKone FoundationAlexandra Barmina, University of Helsinki2025Projects information iconAntifungal STAR (STaurosporine Analogs to the Rescue)Research Council of FinlandTeknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy2025Projects information iconAvocado Extractivism: Designing worlds to resist maldevelopment. The case of water grabbing and avocados in Central Chile.Kone FoundationMaría Paz, University of Helsinki2024Projects information iconSocial networks and natural selection in changing societiesEuropean UnionUniversity of Turku2024Projects information iconAlgorithmic Governance - A Public PerspectiveEuropean UnionUniversity of Helsinki2024Projects information iconFLow detection of virUses by graphene Field Effect Transistor microarraysEuropean UnionVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd2024Projects information iconMultispecies Heritage – Indigenous Heritage Practices and Values in the Brazilian Northeast Kone FoundationJimena Bigá, University of Helsinki2024Projects information iconINteractive robots that intuitiVely lEarn to inVErt tasks by ReaSoning about their ExecutionEuropean UnionKONECRANES GLOBAL OY; VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd2024Projects information iconThe Human AdvantageResearch Council of FinlandHelsingin yliopisto2024