Displaying results 1 - 10 / 118
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Granted funding
Starting year
Projects information iconMiniaturized integrated circuit-based multimodal spectrometer for continuous personal health monitoringResearch Council of FinlandOulun yliopisto2025Projects information iconRubber Dreams of its LifetimeKone FoundationKaisa Saarinen2024Projects information iconInvestigating the simultaneous collapse of coastal settlements and marine mammal populations during the Late Jomon period by reconstructing individual lifetime ISOtope and STRESS hormone profiles from fur seal remains in Northern Japan (ISO-STRESS)Research Council of FinlandOulun yliopisto2024Projects information iconHow to make an equity investor: global survey evidenceResearch Council of FinlandAalto-yliopisto2024Projects information iconFreight vOlumes transfer from Road to waterborne transport, using zero-EMission, Automated, Small and flexible vessel protoTypesEuropean UnionABB OY2024Projects information iconPromoting Positive Mental and Physical Health at Work in a Changing Environment: A Multi-level ApproachEuropean UnionFinnish Institute for Health and Welfare2024Projects information iconSingle cEll guided polygeniC Risk prEdicTion of ASCVDEuropean UnionUniversity of Eastern Finland2024Projects information iconEnabling digital technologies for Holistic Health-lifestyle motivational and assisTed supeRvision supported by Artificial Intelligence NetworksEuropean UnionKUBIOS OY; THINGLINK OY; HALTIAN OY; MYONTEC OY; University of Eastern Finland2024Projects information iconDevelopment of the extended U-space Concept of Operations CORUS V5.0European UnionVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd2024Projects information iconPhysics-informed machine learning to accelerate stability research on perovskite solar cellsEuropean UnionAalto University2023