Displaying results 1 - 10 / 77
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Granted funding
Starting year
Projects information iconRestoring Peatlands: Predicting Biodiversity, GHG Dynamics, and Economic OutcomesKone FoundationPriscillia Christiani, University of Oulu2025Projects information iconCitizen engagement in contaminated land restorationMaj and Tor Nessling FoundationNicolette Slagle2024Projects information iconRepair and responsibility in ruined environments of the global SouthKone FoundationAnja Nygren, University of Helsinki2024Projects information iconNear natural hearing restoration through waveguide-based optical cochlear implantsEuropean UnionMODULIGHT OY2024Projects information iconIntegrating Innovations for the Protection and Restoration of European LakesEuropean UnionORIGIN BY OCEAN OY; Finnish Environment Institute2024Projects information iconFreeing up rivers: will the wild fish communities return when river continuum is restored?Maj and Tor Nessling FoundationRiku Rinnevalli2024Projects information iconRemote sensing of post-restoration changes in hydrology and vegetation in boreal peatlandsMaa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ryAleksi Isoaho2024Projects information iconRestoring Ecosystems to Stop the Threat Of Re - Emerging Infectious DiseaseEuropean UnionUniversity of Helsinki2024Projects information iconThe direct impacts of restoration on methane and carbon dioxide emissions in a boreal forestry-drained peatlandMaj and Tor Nessling FoundationEllinoora Ekman2024Projects information iconComposition and functional traits of testate amoeba (TA) communities as a proxy for the ecological state of boreal peatlands under global changeMaj and Tor Nessling FoundationBrunella Palacios Ganoza2024