European infrastructure for translational medicine
EATRIS (Suomi)
Infrastructure description
This European research infrastructure assists researchers and organisations, by expediting expensive and difficult translational medicine processes. As an international organisation, the EATRIS research infrastructure combines European actors in translational medicine INTO infra.a network which makes its research outcomes, representing the latest technology, available to researchers, who then transform those outcomes INTO applications. EATRIS also provides expert services and enhances communication between researchers and physicians. National coordination of EATRIS is the responsibility of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland within the University of Helsinki, which is also in charge of the Biomarker network.
Scientific description
Responsible organisation
University of Helsinki
Research infrastructure services
Department of biotechnology (University of Turku)
FIMM Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland
Regea Cell and Tissue Center
Turku PET Centre
National virus vector Laboratory (University of Eastern Finland)
Other information
Contact information