Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe


PRACE (Suomi)

Infrastructure description

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, PRACE, is a European research infrastructure offering high-performance computing resources. PRACE enables world-class science and research for university researchers and in private-sector product development. The PRACE research infrastructure consists of national European computing centres functioning in collaboration with one another. Finland is a founding member of the PRACE research infrastructure. Under the authorisation of the Ministry of Education and Culture, CSC represents Finland within the PRACE aisbl. Cooperation in PRACE enables Finnish researchers to use PRACE's Tier-0 and Tier-1 resources in Finnish computational science research projects. CSC also hosts one of the PRACE Advanced Training Centers which carries out training and education activities that help researchers to utilise the computational infrastructure available through PRACE.

Scientific description

Start of activity


Responsible organisation

CSC – IT Center for Science

Research infrastructure services

PRACE Resources

Education and training

Other information


On the Academy of Finland roadmap


Contact information


