UEF - Climate change RI
Infrastructure description
The climate change research infrastructure consists of the infrastructures for aerosol physics, peatland and soil ecology, and biogeochemistry. The infrastructure is part of the national umbrella research infrastructure INAR RI. The aerosol physics infrastructure includes aerosol physics laboratories with their comprehensive selections of measuring equipment, reactors for aerosol formation and aging process with the related peripherals and structures, as well as the transformation chamber of the ILMARI research unit and the measurement station and equipment in Puijo (SMEAR IV). The peatland and soil ecology infrastructure mainly consists of measuring equipment for measuring fluxes of carbon and nitrogen gas between ecosystems and the atmosphere. The biogeochemistry research infrastructure consists of stable isotope laboratory, molecular biology laboratory, chambers for measuring greenhouse gases and organic compounds, and equipment suitable for gas and solid state analytics.
Scientific description
Start of activity
Responsible organisation
University of Eastern Finland
biogeochemistry, emissions, peatland, soil, VOC, aerosol physics
Research infrastructure services
Aerosol Physics Research
Biogeochemistry Research
Peatland and Soil Ecology Research
Other information
Fields of science