Description of research

I work as principal lecturer at the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland. I am Doctor of administrative sciences, Master of social sciences and I also have a degree in youth work. I studied the role of the citizen in Finnish social and health care with special focus on the most disadvantaged and marginalised people in my doctoral thesis. I have specialised in social services, welfare systems, administration, deliberative democracy, inclusion, participation and citizenship. I am member of the board at Finnish Society for Disability Research. My academic experience includes teaching, lecturing and researching. I have led and participated in different studies with particular focus on citizen inclusion especially marginalised groups in society. At the moment I work in a research group reporting to the European Commission of the implementation of CRPD in Finland.


Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences
Source: ORCID
Principal lecturer 2020 -


Doctor of Administrative Sciences 2008 - 2012 / University of Vaasa
Vocational Teacher's Pedagogical qualifications 1.9.2016 - 8.5.2017 / JAMK University of Applied Sciences
Master of Social Sciences 1.9.1999 - 10.6.2003 / Åbo Akademi Vasa