Suominen, TommiCSC – IT Center for ScienceInformation Architect, Senior Information Architect, Software Development Team LeaderEuropean Open Science Cloud, Interoperability, Metadata, environmental modelling, research information systems, sustainability scienceHurmekoski, EliasUniversity of HelsinkiAcademy research fellow, Senior specialist-Saarikko, JarmoUniversity of HelsinkiInformation Specialist, Researcher, Senior Advisor, Senior Specialist, Information ServicesBIBFRAME, classification, data modelling, forest research, library, linked library data, metadata, ontologies, shrews, taxonomies, vocabularies, zoologySteiner, BodoThe Center for Innovation Studies, Calgary, Alberta, University of Southern Denmark, University of Helsinki, University College Cork, University of Alberta, the Capital City of Alberta, Edmonton; The Mayor of Edmonton, advisory board on food industry issues, Alberta Agricultural Economics Association, University of California Berkeley, Christian Albrechts University of Kiel, Alberta School of Business, University of ReadingMember of THECIS, TEACHING EXPERIENCE, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor (with tenure), Chair of the B.Sc. Business Management Programs Committee, Adjunct Professor, Member of the Agricultural Council Committee, Chair of the Research and Extension Policy Committee, Member of Cooperative Council, Cooperative Program in Agricultural Marketing and Business, Member of the Committee for the Field-based Training Program: University of Alberta and Kyoto University (Japan), Member of the Research and Extension Policy Committee, Academic advisor for the B.Sc. Food Business Management Major, Assistant Professor, President, Program Director, Research Fellow, Visiting scholar, Research Associate, Lecturer, European Commission Research Training Fellow-Sundell, TaaviMIGDIA -project, Finnish Institute in the Middle East, University of HelsinkiPostdoctoral researcher, Coordinator, Rhetoric-Performative Post- Foundational Analysis in Social Sciences and Humanities -course, Coordinator, Politics and Numbers: Global Governance and Policy Instruments -project, Part-time lecturer, graduate course Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Coordinator, Post-Foundational Discourse Theory in Humanities and Social Science Research -course, Teaching assistant, undergraduate course Foundations of Political Thought, Teaching assistant, graduate course Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Research assistant, Research secretary, Teaching assistant, undergraduate course Introduction to World Politics, Teaching assistant, graduate course Contesting Global Power, Researcher-Hirvonen, HelenaUniversity of Eastern FinlandSenior Lecturer, Social and Public Policy, University Teacher, Doctor of Social Sciences, Senior Researcher-Renko, VappuCUPORE - center for cultural policy researchResearcher-
The Center for Innovation Studies, Calgary, Alberta, University of Southern Denmark, University of Helsinki, University College Cork, University of Alberta, the Capital City of Alberta, Edmonton; The Mayor of Edmonton, advisory board on food industry issues, Alberta Agricultural Economics Association, University of California Berkeley, Christian Albrechts University of Kiel, Alberta School of Business, University of Reading
Member of THECIS, TEACHING EXPERIENCE, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor (with tenure), Chair of the B.Sc. Business Management Programs Committee, Adjunct Professor, Member of the Agricultural Council Committee, Chair of the Research and Extension Policy Committee, Member of Cooperative Council, Cooperative Program in Agricultural Marketing and Business, Member of the Committee for the Field-based Training Program: University of Alberta and Kyoto University (Japan), Member of the Research and Extension Policy Committee, Academic advisor for the B.Sc. Food Business Management Major, Assistant Professor, President, Program Director, Research Fellow, Visiting scholar, Research Associate, Lecturer, European Commission Research Training Fellow
MIGDIA -project, Finnish Institute in the Middle East, University of Helsinki
Postdoctoral researcher, Coordinator, Rhetoric-Performative Post- Foundational Analysis in Social Sciences and Humanities -course, Coordinator, Politics and Numbers: Global Governance and Policy Instruments -project, Part-time lecturer, graduate course Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Coordinator, Post-Foundational Discourse Theory in Humanities and Social Science Research -course, Teaching assistant, undergraduate course Foundations of Political Thought, Teaching assistant, graduate course Ideology and Discourse Analysis, Research assistant, Research secretary, Teaching assistant, undergraduate course Introduction to World Politics, Teaching assistant, graduate course Contesting Global Power, Researcher