Mynttinen, MariHUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, LAB University of Applied Sciences, North Karelia Central Hospital and Honkalampi Centre, Siun SOTE - Pohjois-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kuntayhtymä, Municipal Education and Training Consortium of South-KareliaProject researcher, teacher in health and nursing issues, PROJECT RESEARCHER, research assistant, Research lecturer, Health and wellbeing, EXPERT OF CLINICAL NURSING, Project expert, TEACHER (health education and exercise)adolescents, alcohol, parental involvement, family support, health choicesLeinonen, TeemuAalto University, University of the Arts HelsinkiProfessor (Associate Professor), Vice Rector-Rattya, KaisuTampere University, Suomen Nuorisokirjallisuuden Instituutti / The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature, University of Eastern Finland, University of Helsinki, Åbo Akademi University, University of JyväskyläLecturer in Finnish language and literature didactics, University Lecturer, director, senior lecturer, mother tongue and literature pedagogy, senior lecturer, Finnish language and literature pedagogy, researcher, secretary for network fo Cultural Studiesassessment, ecocriticism, literature education, metalinguistic awareness, subject matter didactics, young adult literatureMalessa, EvaUniversity of JyväskyläThe Centre for Applied Language Studies-Vesterinen, TiinaFoundation for the Finnish Cancer InstituteManaging Director-Satama, Manna Leena MarjaanaUniversity of Eastern FinlandInformation Specialist (research data management) / Tietoasiantuntija (tutkimusaineistonhallinta), Secretary general / Asiamies, Assistant archivist (project) / Arkistojärjestäjä, University lecturer in ancient Greek language and literature, Researcher (post doc), Project researcher (Ancient Greek Written Sources), Researcher, Assistant Director-Haukka, JariUniversity of Helsinki, Epid Research, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Tampere University, The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)Sr. University Lecturer, Chief Science Officer, Scientist, team leader, prof., Senior Scientist-Whipp, DavidUniversity of HelsinkiProfessor of Geodynamic Modelling, Associate Professor of Geodynamic Modelling, Assistant Professor of Geodynamic Modelling, Adjunct of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Postdoctoral researcher, Research Assistant, Geoscientist (intern)Geodynamics, Tectonics, Geomorphology, Himalayas, Numerical ModelingSuonpää, SirpaNatural Resources Institute FinlandLeading Specialist, information servicese-library, information services, open access, open scienceManninen, AkiUniversity of OuluProfessor of Cell Biology, Group leader, Academy Research Fellow, Cell Biology Coordinator, independent research fellow, Ph.D. student / postdoctoral fellow, Post-doctoral fellow-
HUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, LAB University of Applied Sciences, North Karelia Central Hospital and Honkalampi Centre, Siun SOTE - Pohjois-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kuntayhtymä, Municipal Education and Training Consortium of South-Karelia
Project researcher, teacher in health and nursing issues, PROJECT RESEARCHER, research assistant, Research lecturer, Health and wellbeing, EXPERT OF CLINICAL NURSING, Project expert, TEACHER (health education and exercise)
adolescents, alcohol, parental involvement, family support, health choices
Tampere University, Suomen Nuorisokirjallisuuden Instituutti / The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature, University of Eastern Finland, University of Helsinki, Åbo Akademi University, University of Jyväskylä
Lecturer in Finnish language and literature didactics, University Lecturer, director, senior lecturer, mother tongue and literature pedagogy, senior lecturer, Finnish language and literature pedagogy, researcher, secretary for network fo Cultural Studies
assessment, ecocriticism, literature education, metalinguistic awareness, subject matter didactics, young adult literature
Information Specialist (research data management) / Tietoasiantuntija (tutkimusaineistonhallinta), Secretary general / Asiamies, Assistant archivist (project) / Arkistojärjestäjä, University lecturer in ancient Greek language and literature, Researcher (post doc), Project researcher (Ancient Greek Written Sources), Researcher, Assistant Director
University of Helsinki, Epid Research, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Tampere University, The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Sr. University Lecturer, Chief Science Officer, Scientist, team leader, prof., Senior Scientist
Professor of Geodynamic Modelling, Associate Professor of Geodynamic Modelling, Assistant Professor of Geodynamic Modelling, Adjunct of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Postdoctoral researcher, Research Assistant, Geoscientist (intern)
Professor of Cell Biology, Group leader, Academy Research Fellow, Cell Biology Coordinator, independent research fellow, Ph.D. student / postdoctoral fellow, Post-doctoral fellow