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Virtanen, Ira
University of Eastern FinlandSpecialist, Specialist in Researcher Competence, Postdoctoral Researcher, University Lecturer / Puheviestinnän yliopistonlehtori (ma), Senior Specialist in Researcher Competence, Puheviestinnän yliopistonlehtori (ma), University Teacher / Puheviestinnän yliopisto-opettaja, University Lecturer (Supervision & Mentoring), Vieraileva tutkija / Visiting Researcher, The Head of PR- and Press Officeexperience research, friendship skills, helpline communication, immersive storytelling, intergroup interaction, interpersonal communication, parasocial phenomena, performance skills, supportive communication
University of Eastern Finland
Specialist, Specialist in Researcher Competence, Postdoctoral Researcher, University Lecturer / Puheviestinnän yliopistonlehtori (ma), Senior Specialist in Researcher Competence, Puheviestinnän yliopistonlehtori (ma), University Teacher / Puheviestinnän yliopisto-opettaja, University Lecturer (Supervision & Mentoring), Vieraileva tutkija / Visiting Researcher, The Head of PR- and Press Office
experience research, friendship skills, helpline communication, immersive storytelling, intergroup interaction, interpersonal communication, parasocial phenomena, performance skills, supportive communication