Haukka, JariUniversity of Helsinki, Tampere University, Epid Research, International Agency for Research on Cancer, The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)Sr. University Lecturer, prof., Chief Science Officer, Scientist, team leader, Senior Scientist-Niemelä, MarkettaMinistry of Social Affairs and Health, Nordic Healthcare GroupSenior Specialist, Managing Consultant-Westerlund, TomiUniversity of TurkuProfessor of Robotics and Autonomous Systems-Mobasheri, AliUniversity of OuluProfessor, Professor of Musculoskeletal Biology, Project Leader, Senior Researcher, Highly Cited/Distinguished Adjunct Professor, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Biology, Lecturer in Veterinary Biology, Professor of Musculoskeletal Physiology, Associate Dean (Research & Enterprise), Associate Professor and Reader in Comparative PhysiologyBiomarkers, Cartilage biology, Chondrocyte physiology, OsteoarthritisManninen, MarkoFinnish Institute for Health and Welfare--Syväoja, Heidi JJAMK University of Applied Sciences, LIKES Research Centre for Physical Activity and HealthResearcher, Senior researcher-Yletyinen, JohannaUniversity of JyväskyläPost Doctoral Fellow, PhD Candidate, Data Management AssistantComplex adaptive systems, Human - environment interactions, Human impact on environment, Natural Resource Management, Network Science, Resilience, Social-ecological systems, Sustainability, Sustainable management of natural resourcesPitkäaho, TomiCentria University of Applied SciencesResearch and development managerartificial intelligence, image analyses, machine learning, roboticsMynttinen, MariHUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, LAB University of Applied Sciences, North Karelia Central Hospital and Honkalampi Centre, Siun SOTE - Pohjois-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kuntayhtymä, Municipal Education and Training Consortium of South-KareliaProject researcher, teacher in health and nursing issues, PROJECT RESEARCHER, research assistant, Research lecturer, Health and wellbeing, EXPERT OF CLINICAL NURSING, Project expert, TEACHER (health education and exercise)adolescents, alcohol, parental involvement, family support, health choicesRattya, KaisuTampere University, Suomen Nuorisokirjallisuuden Instituutti / The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature, University of Eastern Finland, University of Helsinki, Åbo Akademi University, University of JyväskyläLecturer in Finnish language and literature didactics, University Lecturer, director, senior lecturer, mother tongue and literature pedagogy, senior lecturer, Finnish language and literature pedagogy, researcher, secretary for network fo Cultural Studiesassessment, ecocriticism, literature education, metalinguistic awareness, subject matter didactics, young adult literature
University of Helsinki, Tampere University, Epid Research, International Agency for Research on Cancer, The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Sr. University Lecturer, prof., Chief Science Officer, Scientist, team leader, Senior Scientist
Professor, Professor of Musculoskeletal Biology, Project Leader, Senior Researcher, Highly Cited/Distinguished Adjunct Professor, Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Biology, Lecturer in Veterinary Biology, Professor of Musculoskeletal Physiology, Associate Dean (Research & Enterprise), Associate Professor and Reader in Comparative Physiology
HUS Group, the joint authority for Helsinki and Uusimaa, Karelia University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, LAB University of Applied Sciences, North Karelia Central Hospital and Honkalampi Centre, Siun SOTE - Pohjois-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen kuntayhtymä, Municipal Education and Training Consortium of South-Karelia
Project researcher, teacher in health and nursing issues, PROJECT RESEARCHER, research assistant, Research lecturer, Health and wellbeing, EXPERT OF CLINICAL NURSING, Project expert, TEACHER (health education and exercise)
adolescents, alcohol, parental involvement, family support, health choices
Tampere University, Suomen Nuorisokirjallisuuden Instituutti / The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature, University of Eastern Finland, University of Helsinki, Åbo Akademi University, University of Jyväskylä
Lecturer in Finnish language and literature didactics, University Lecturer, director, senior lecturer, mother tongue and literature pedagogy, senior lecturer, Finnish language and literature pedagogy, researcher, secretary for network fo Cultural Studies
assessment, ecocriticism, literature education, metalinguistic awareness, subject matter didactics, young adult literature